Financial Independence Made Simple!

Have you ever been broke or dead broke? Or more still broke now and then? Ofcourse! We all have been broke, one time or the other. Have you once struggled financially or still struggling financially? What kind of question is that! Ofcourse we have once struggled financially, and millions, even billions of people, the world over, are still struggling financially. The big question is, Do you need to continue struggling financially? Financial Literacy is key to living a life of abundance. Living your dreams is tied to your financial wellness. Some couple of years ago, I wrote this small book. It contained some concepts and ideas leveraged on by some of the most financially successful personality on the planet. The ideas and concept in this small book are not new. They are as old as the earliest wealthiest people who lived on this planet. The same concept and ideas are used today by a new set of personalities who control the economies of the world. When I wrote that book I shared it with ...