
Showing posts from February, 2010

PERSISTENCE - My Experiment In "Following Through"

Persistence is a quality – the iron quality of the brave, the courageous and the never-give-ups. No matter how good you are, there is no success without persistence. World War I flying ace, Eddie Rickenbacker said, “I can give you a six-word formular for success: Think things through – then follow through.” When we decide to do something - whatever it is - to make it a reality, we must follow through. In following through can we achieve. Many people like to think things through; unfortunately very few follow through. Persistence is the key to “follow through.” Some couple of years ago, I decided to engage in an exercise program. My motivation was watching Athletes on TV who ran the marathon or some long distance. I admired their staying ability. I compared it to business. You require similar staying ability to make it in business. Becos I admired this long distance athletes, I wondered where they got the energy from to run for hours non-stop. So I decided to embark on this project. M...


The other day I was in the Phoenix Airport on my way to a meeting in Denver. Unsure of how long it would take to get the car parked, get the luggage checked, get through the security line, and get to our gate, we (my husband Michael and I) ended up at the airport early. Once we parked our belongings at the gate, I did what I always do when I'm early to the airport; I headed toward the News Stand for the sole purpose of staring at the tabloid magazine covers. Yes, I know, it's a nasty habit, but before you cast your stones, I should tell you I only allow myself to read the COVERS of the magazines. JUST the covers. And even in those few moments I can feel my brain cells rotting and my dislike for humanity mounting. However, on this particular trip to the News Stand I witnessed something much more fascinating, and disturbing, than any tabloid could offer. In this particular News Stand there was a friendly looking gentleman. He had a pleasant face th at was graced with a cheerful s...

RESILIENCE - The Iron Virtue Of Steel

The word Resilience is derived from the latin word “resilire,” meaning “to leap back.” The will to survive is a natural instinct in humankind. But not many people are “up to” the rigors it takes to survive. Survival may be the fittest, but it comes with a price, which in some instance is too high for many a people to pay. Resilience is the panacea to the ailment of high price of survival, in this instance. Life is like a war with so many battles to fight. The battle to earn a decent living, the battle to be well educated, the battle to provide for self and family, the battle to have social acceptability, the battle to have the dream job, the battle to have our voice heard and count, the battle to stay healthy and strong, the battle to be your brothers keeper. The battle seems endless! Only those who are the fittest can fight the battles and win the war. Resilience is to man what carbon is to steel. Resilience is the prerequisite that we all must meet in order to win the ...