“My mother taught me very early to believe I could achieve any accomplishment I wanted to. The first was to walk without braces." - WILMA RUDOLPH The human will is the most incredible thing. I believe it is the human will that keep us going, when everyone else expects us to sit, or even quit. I have always been fascinated by the heroes and sheroes who made indelible marks in world history; and illustrated distinquished triumphs over seemingly, insurmountable adversity. I can vividly recall reading about Wilma Rudolph when I was in grade school. Her life epitomized “breaking through limitations.” Over the last three decades, I have taught about Wilma when so-called, “limitations” presented themselves in my life. I think of Wilma, and I am passionately reminded of the amazing power of the human will. Wilma Rudolph was born prematurely and weighed only 4.5 pounds. Most of her childhood was spent in st. Bethlehem, Tennessee. There, she was bedridden as she battled doubl...