At one time in his life, eighteen cents and two cans of sardines were the only thing that stood between him and starvation. He moved from one cheap Greenwich Village apartment to another - simply because he couldn't pay the rent. Twenty years of his life had already been spent in the military. While serving as a cook in the Coast Guard, he used nights and free time to write letters for fellow enlistees to their wives and girlfriends back home. Men who were either illiterate or found it too difficult to express themselves - at least on paper - became routine customers. It was during this time that he, too, fell in love - with writing. He didn't know it then, but his literary talents would eventually carry him to fame and fortune. But his success was anything but instant. Like so many things in his life, writing did not come easy. Creativity and composition were brutally difficult barriers. He labored seven nights a week for eight years before he sold his first article. When he r...