The journey of life is a difficult one as well as amusing. The difficulty is not in the experiences, but in understanding them and interpreting them. It’s amusement is in the perplexity we are subjected to as we wonder in awe of the beauty it reveals. A man infected by a disease, at the point of death is suddenly revamped through the miracle of modern day medicine. His physique shrunk by infection previously, suddenly becomes robust after a few days of administering the recipe of medicine. Looking at the two side of the divide- the grief in the face of the sick and his loved ones, and the joy and smile and happiness on the same faces, after the recovery of the sick, - is amusing in itself. Life is like a pun. The journey of life is punning. I am not a pundit on life. I doubt if anybody is. But lives lesson are the best education available to mankind. Our journey through life teaches us the obvious as well as the extreme. The journey is necessary and we all have to take it and learn fro...