The Productive Use of Time - The Family in Perspective

The Home is the most important environment in the society. Why this is so is because it houses the most important unit in the society - the family. We learn our first lesson about life in the home. The home provides the platform to learn, understand, and apply the basic lessons of life; launches each individual on the road to discovering ourselves and our role in the stages of life. It is said that the first cut is the deepest. the first lesson is the best lesson . For it is the first lesson that determines our success and failure really. It is the first lesson that determines our interest and non-interest in the issues of life. So the home should be the most productive place in the world. It should receive more attention than any other environment in the society. It is said that we can determine the quality of life of any society by the quality of the family that makes up that society. But what has modern society got to teach us, with all its advancment? A total neglect of the home. T...