THE EAGLE CONCEPT – DISCOVERING SELF The eagle is known as the king of all birds. Its strength is in its wings, eyes, and legs. With its wings it can soar to great heights – it is believed the eagle can fly up to an altitude of 10,000 feet. The eagle has keen eyesight. Its eyes are extremely powerful having up to 3.6 times human activity. It has strong muscular legs used in picking preys up. The eagle have a great fascination and inspiration for everyone due to its leadership characteristics. Eagles are admired all over the world, as a living symbol of power of freedom. The eagle lives on top of very high mountains or very high tree top. The mother eagle lays between 1 – 4 eggs, but usually hatches only two. The why, behind this behavioral pattern, of hatching just two eggs is actually not known. When the eaglets are born, mother eagle flies out of the nest every day and returns bringing food for the eaglets. The eaglets open their little beaks while ma...