An ancient script has this story to tell. One day a master decided to set out on a journey. Before embarking on this journey, he called his servants together and gave them their stewardship. To one servant he gave five talents, to another he gave two talents,and to another he gave 1 talent. A talent is a measure of gold, or could be money, or anything of value. The master thereafter set on his journey. After a long while, the master returned from his journey, and called his three servants for accounting. The one who was given 5 talents, in accounting, told the master he had turned the five talents given to him to ten. The master was full of praises for him. The servant(or caretaker) who was given 2, reported he had turned his two talents to four. The master was full of praises for him too. The servant that was given one talent, returned the one talent back to the master. The master lost his cool. Was not very happy with this servant. The master called him “wicked and slothful”. Slothful means to be lazy. To be inactive. To do nothing. He instructed that the one talent be taken from him and be given to him that had ten.

What is the lesson here? The game of success is results. The game of result is taking action. The game of failure is inaction. All you need to do to fail is to do either of two things:
1. To take action in the wrong direction.
2. Take no action.


If you take the wrong road, you will arrive at the wrong destination. If you do not know where you are doing, you will arrive at nowhere. Just as sucess is predictable, failure is predictable as well. Just as success is not by accident, failure is no by accident either. Many people fail in life because they are using the wrong tools to do the right job. Whatsoever you sow, you reap. If you sow the seed of failure by planting cassava, expecting to reap rice, what you will reap at harvest is cassava, not rice. One big difference between success and failure is skills. You can likely chop down a tree by using a hammer; but it would take you about 30 day, that is if you don’t abandon the project as a result of frustration. But if you use a saw or an axe, you will likely chop the tree down in minutes. The difference is skills. People work on the same job for ten, twenty years and their lives remain the same. They do the same things, the same way, day in, day out and expecting to arrive, at the end of ten, twenty years, in wealth, treasures, affluence or great comfort. Someone once said: “if you want to continue getting what you are getting, just keep doing what you’ve been doing.” That is a formular for failure. The bottom line is, if you don’t have the right skill to do the right job, you will fail.


The greatest killer of dreams is procrastination. Procrastination is the thief of dreams. Someone who has a fantastic plan written down, and does nothing to bring it to pass, is heading for failure. Failure is invited and would come very fast. Remember the servant who was given one talent. All he had to do to fail is do nothing. Take no action. And then he was doomed. The master took the one talent from him and gave it to the servant that had ten talents. Why? Likely to fulfill another ancient script which says “whatever you don’t use, you lose”. You have brains you don’t use? You have talents you don’t use? You will lose it in the process of time. Remember what the master said: “for unto everyone that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance; but for him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.” (Mathew 25:29-Bible-King James version)
As dynamic as life is, inaction on your plans or your dreams or on yourself, is the straight road to failure.


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