ent, Mental Tools for Creating YOUR 2010 , we explained the sequence of creation is BE-DO-HAVE . This is the creative recipe for anything in your life, including financial abundance. In this segment, we share key concepts about Finance and Wealth Creation as it relates to most people. This is a TOOL in the Creating YOUR 2010 series and is meant to work in conjunction with the rest of the series. Whether you feel driven to make a lot of money or not, finances play a role in each of our lives and in turn finances play a role in living a happy life. “Before a person can achieve the kind of life he wants, he must think, act, walk, talk and conduct himself in all of his affairs as would the person he wishes to become.” – Zig Ziglar When discussing finances and wealth creation, the first aspect we need to truly delve into isn’t what you might expect. As you are already aware from BE-DO-HAVE , we need to first understand the BE part of finances. So first, and this is perhaps the mo...