ENTHUSIASM! - The God within.

I don't know of any self-generated force that will do more for you than enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the expression of the dynamic vitality in your mental outlook - the way you walk, talk, and act. It is the result of your motivation and your physical magnetism and energy. It is the light in your eye, the timbre of your voice, the vigor in your handshake. It is the element that can kindle a fire under your chief aim and fan it into a burning desire. It is a quality that you must use as your march toward greatness. Enthusiasm begins with definiteness of purpose. Your goals must be so firmly entrenched that they're a part of your being. Unless you have the courage of your convictions, it is impossible to enthusiastically sell your ideas, your hopes and desires to others. Why should you want to know all you can know, learn all that you can learn, about the power of enthusiasm? Becos more than any other quality or trait of human personality, enthusiasm has been the companion of ...