ENTHUSIASM! - The God within.

I don't know of any self-generated force that will do more for you than enthusiasm.
Enthusiasm is the expression of the dynamic vitality in your mental outlook - the way you walk, talk, and act. It is the result of your motivation and your physical magnetism and energy. It is the light in your eye, the timbre of your voice, the vigor in your handshake. It is the element that can kindle a fire under your chief aim and fan it into a burning desire. It is a quality that you must use as your march toward greatness.
Enthusiasm begins with definiteness of purpose. Your goals must be so firmly entrenched that they're a part of your being. Unless you have the courage of your convictions, it is impossible to enthusiastically sell your ideas, your hopes and desires to others.
Why should you want to know all you can know, learn all that you can learn, about the power of enthusiasm? Becos more than any other quality or trait of human personality, enthusiasm has been the companion of success and every achievement. Enthusiasm is that inspiration that makes you wake up and live. It is the producer of confidence that cries to the world, "I've got what it takes!"
Enthusiasm is power! When that power is released to support definiteness of purpose, and is constantly renewed by faith, it becomes an irresistible force for which poverty and temporary defeat are no match. Enthusiasm is the magnetism of projected energy that can be caught by anyone. It's contagious, and when you've mastered its force and energy, you'll be amazed at the power you possess. Enthusiasm spreads like a prairie fire before the wind. It is the bolt of lightening that blasts every obstacle from its path. It is a state of mind that inspires and arouses you to put action into your tasks, and transmit the impetus to action as you inch closer to your goals.
Enthusiasm is emotion management. If you are able to transmit enthusiasm to others, you have the ability to control the emotional climate of any situation. When you can generate true enthusiasm, you can break the preoccupation of those around you, making others take notice and listen to your ideas. You can capture attention through enthusiasm and guide that attention in any direction you so choose.
Enthusiasm is a universal language. It is a state of mind that we all recognize. Why? Becos everyone is attracted by the magnetism of an enthusiasm that is genuinely felt and openly expressed.
One of the major reasons why so few of us know so little about enthusiasm is that we frequently confuse its signs with something quite different. At sporting events, political rallies, and even religious services, we often see a mass display of exuberance which we call enthusiasm. Call it mass hysteria, group hypnosis, or crowd reaction in its mildest forms - but it is not enthusiasm. At least not in its formal definition.
The temporary "one-shot" excitement that comes from attending a football game or backing a political candidate is the result of group interaction and reaction. It is neither true nor lasting. Genuine enthusiasm is as enduring as any of our finer human qualities - love, sincerity, courage, or faith. And like these qualities, enthusiasm is the outward reflection of a deep emotion that originates within.
Andrew Carnegie said, "Enthusiasm is a great leavening force in the mental world, for it gives power to your purpose. It helps to free your mind of negative influences and brings you peace of mind. Lastly, it inspires personal initiative, both in thought and physical action. It is very difficult for one to do his best when he does not feel and display enthusiasm."
Excerpt from Think and Grow Rich - A Black Choice By Dennis Kimpro
Thanks, a lot Oga Nduka. This was really very interesting. I hope to continue to fan the ambers of my enthusiasm. They tend to extinguish sooner than I want them to, but nice reminder to keep the fire burning :-).