Where do I come from? Why am I here? Where do I go to after here?
These three critical questions are key to discovering who you are. The most critical of the three is the second question – Why am I here?

When somebody asked Albert Einstein what question he will ask God if he could ask one, he replied, “How did the universe start? Because everything after that is math.” And after thinking for a while, he changed his mind. He said, “Instead I would ask, ‘Why was the universe created?’ Because then I would know the meaning of my own life.”

To know where you are going, you must first know where you are coming from. Every end point has a beginning point. Every start point has a corresponding stop point. Every destination has a source point. So to know your purpose, you must first understand who you are.

Every man and woman is a son and daughter of God. As a son and daughter of God, we are in the express image of him. Just like our earthly parents, who have children that are in their express image, so are we in the express image of God, our father. Because we are in the express image of him, we look like him much in attribute and character. Because we are children of God, we all have divine heritage. That divine heritage is inherent in all of us. The Psalmist could not be more true when he said, in this immortal verse, “I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.” (The Holy Bible, King James version. Psalm 82:6). These characteristics and attributes may not be latent, but they sure do exist. We are all gods in embryo. Discovering our purpose and living our purpose will develop this embryo, and bring our God-like attributes to the fore. Understanding this relation between us and God alone gives our lives purpose and meaning. It is that meaning and purpose that is an illusion to most of us.

How do I find meaning and purpose for my life? How do I discover what my purpose here in this life is? Consider the following:

We all have gifts and talents. There is no man or woman that has no gift or talent. We all have them. These gifts and talents exist in us. They are there, even though we are not aware of them as some of us claim. They come with us when we are born. They are part of our birthright. All gifts come from God our father. They are given to us for a purpose. They are there to be used. I have met many people who are oblivious of what their talents and gifts are. These are people who are quick to admit that they have no purpose in life. We owe it to ourselves to find out and discover that these gifts and talents are.  Discovering what our gifts and talents are helps us discover our purpose in life.

The purpose of gifts and talents is to serve others. Aristotle said, “Where talents and the needs of the world cross, therein lies your vocation.” Our gifts and talents energizes us, and holds our attention to focus on a need. If everyone discover their gifts and talents, then we can all serve one another, for one another’s benefit.
Education is one way we can discover our purpose and meaning. Education helps us understand the relationship between us and our environment. Education exposes us to good works and human needs. When we educate our mind in a particular field, we develop mental power. Our mental muscles are strengthened. Our mental ability gives us the capability to provide answers or solutions to the problems besetting us as humans. It provides us with the pedestal whereby we can be of use to our environment. Education opens our eyes so that we can see needs in our environment; and when we plug into that need, our real abilities are triggered, exposed and revealed. We find our voice. We find our purpose. We are connected to our soul code. Education exposes the mind to what it already knows but not aware of yet.

All humans have interests. They vary. Interests are diversified as there are human population. All interests are not the same. One person’s interest differs from another. Whatsoever holds our attention most of the time, and takes up the majority of our time doing it, without loss of enthusiasm doing it, there lies our interest. There lies our source to reach out to others and serve them. When we serve others we connect with ourselves, our divine nature, our reason for showing up here in mortality. All that we enjoy as humans, has been, one way or the other, the result of an individual interest on a particular human need. What we are interested in doing has a way of leading us or directing us towards our purpose.

Prayer is a heart-felt talk with God. God is the source of all knowledge. Since he is the father of our spirit, and since he is all knowing, we can ask him in prayer what our purpose in life is. He sure will answer all our questions and concerns, if we ask in faith. Every prayer is heard. Every sincerely prayer is answered.

When you discover what your purpose for being here is, that is when you begin to live. According to the world most respected leadership expert, Stephen R. Covey, in finding out what our purpose is, he advised that we simply ask ourselves the simple question "Why does my life situation ask of me now; what should I do in my present responsibilities, duties, stewardship; what would be the wise action to take? When we live true to the answers our conscience gives, we will find meaning to our lives."

The immortal words of the American Poet Robert Frost, in his poem “Two Tramps In Mud Time”, has deep meaning. It partly says:

My object in living is to unite
My avocation and my vocation
As my two eyes make one in sight.
Only where love and need are one
And the work is play for mortal stakes,
Is the deed ever really done
For Heaven and the future’s sakes.


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