No man was born lazy. No man was born inferior. No man was born average. No man was born unintelligent. Laziness, inferiority, average unintelligence, are all qualities we adopted as we grow up. We were all born in the image of God; image reflective of God’s physique as well as his intelligence. We are all born the same, but we end up different.
No human being is average. Dr Benjamin Carson, world renowned Neurosurgeon did mention and I quote: “There is no such thing as an average human being. If you have a normal brain, you are superior.”
It was Buckminster Fuller that once said: “All children are born geniuses; 9,999 out of every 10,000 are swiftly inadvertently degeniusized by grownups.”
The journey in achievement is within the reach of all. No one is exempted. But the apt to attain or reach high standard of performance seems to be the inclination of but a few. As latent as mans’ powers are, it seems the exclusive rights of a few to break to the limelight. Why some have the spark and some don’t, remains to some measure, a mystery. Ofcourse there have been various researches in this direction by well meaning men and women, to explain these differences in results. Why do some have unconquerable spirits and some don’t? Why are some unstoppable in pursuit of excellence and others are not? Why will some choose to die in their journey to the top instead of settle for less, while some will choose to abandon the project after a few trials of failure? Respective explanation to these desparity is merely a matter of speculation. There is no complete unison by the respective researchers on human behavioiur on why this desparity exist. But two things is clear which is generally accepted by all:
(1). Everyone has the potential to achieve great things.
(2). Everyone can indeed achieve great things.
It is believed that the journey in achievement involves some disciplines that need to be both learnt and mastered. This disciplines are principles; and the good news is that they are learnable by anyone who so desires. Exposure to these principles, is believed will release man from the prison within and give expression to his latent potential, until he finds his ‘VOICE.’
The will to achieve releases the strength of the physical and mental muscles. It brings to alertness all the human faculties responsible for motion. The will to achieve triggers courage, boldness and many of its sister qualities. Achievement itself brings joy and happiness to the human soul. It blessess both the giver and the receiver, the benefactor and the beneficiary.
Let all therefore get acquinted with the principles that promote achievement, go forth, and achieve; for achievement is indeed the birthright of all.
- OJ.
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