I believe in an Almighty God, the creator of heaven and earth, the maker of seas, land and sky

I believe in the creation.

I believe that Almighty God is the father of all creation.
I believe the earth is his footstool.

I believe in the sun, the moon, the stars. They are all wonderful creation of God.
I believe in the solar system; the systmatic movement of the planets in their regualr order.
I believe they all have their purpose and are serving their purpose; and the Almighty God is the creator of them all.

I believe in the seasons; the sunshine, the rain, the harmattan. They serve the purpose of their creation.
Even though my geographical location and boundary prevents me form experiencing the seasons on a regular bases, I believe in the snow, the Winter, Autumn, Summer. They serve the purpose of their creation as well.

I believe in Day and Night. They are before my eyes. They are real. They are true.
I believe in the mountains, the deserts, the trees, the plants, the great waters, and all life forms, both on earth in the waters. They are the wonders of nature and the miracle of life.

I believe in man, for he is the literal child of God.
I believe in man’s ability, his potential, is capabilities; he is the lord of all creatures.
I believe that man’s ability is both finite and infinite. He inherited them from both his earthly parents and his heavenly parents.

I believe in man’s dual nature. He is an embodiment of clay and spirit. He owes allegiance both to his earthly parents and his heavenly parents.
I believe that man is an eternal being. His existence did not start here on earth, and will not end here on earth.
I believe man is the purpose for all that exist on the earth. His maker made them for his use and his comfort.

I believe that man is the only creature whose actions is not controlled only by instinct and the genetic code.
I believe that man is the only creature that is blessed with the gift of agency (freedom to choose his life and what he’ll be)
I believe that bcos of man’s power to choose, he can excel beyond the stars, where his eternal destiny lies.
I believe that man is born male and female.

I believe in the reproduction of the human kind, for Almighty God had ordained it to be so.
I believe that man’s ability to reproduce his kind is a gift from God and a rare privilege to share in the powers of the Almight God.
I believe man needs to guide that power of procreation jealously and use it as he should by the dictates of his maker who shared it.

I believe that man’s happiest moments are moments shared with his kind (male and female) and his highest moments with his maker.

I believe in the universality of man; brother to brother, sister to sister, irrespective of race, kind, color or geographical differentiation. They are all children of God.
I believe there is no significant difference in man’s nature irrespective of the color of his skin or eyes. For they are all made from one pool.

I believe that man owes allegiance to God for all of his opportunities, hence worship and devotion.
I believe that man is the architect and the designer of his destiny. He fails or triumphs, wins or loses, rises or falls, is rich or poor, all is based on his efforts, and using the opportunities available for him.

I believe that the eternal destiny of the human soul is determine some what from here (earth life). That his works here (earth) impacts his eternal progression.

I believe man is not justified to blame God for his misfortune, for he was not created to fail. Nature is not designed to fail, so why should man?

I believe that man’s wrong application of the senses does restrict the exercise of his powers and clouds his vision and reasoning, hence he stumbles and falls many times.

I believe nothing is impossible for man. That he can achieve all that he so desires, negative or positive, good or bad, as much as he puts his heart and soul to it.
I believe nothing is too difficult for him that he cannot find a solution to or create a solution for. Man is the lord and master of everything. He is a child of God.

This I believe!

- OJ


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