Years back, I worked for an organization where team work was cardinal to all that we did. Success in what we did was based on how well we worked together. We achieved very little as individuals. But as a team the desired results were attainable.

We had various departments. Each department was made up of very talented people who, in my opinion, were achievers in their own rights. In the department which I worked, there were some exceptional individuals, who were very good in what they did, their job. But what each individual did acted either as an input or an output for what another did. So no one could claim to be the star in the department. The job of each individual was intertwined with the other. A shortfall on the part of an individual will invariably affect the work of another individual.

Each department had a goal. The accomplishement of the goal is dependent not as much as how well an individual staff performs, as how well the team performs. The department did accomplish its goal becos the team did well. Ofcourse the exceptional effort of an individual staff does affect the results, but does not make the desired results. Individualistic efforts are important and necessary. But team effort accomplishes the desired results.

In life we must all learn to play in a team and as a team. Whether at home, at our work place, as a member of a club, part of community project, we must learn to play as a team. Results are achieved faster and better when team work is involved as compared to just individual efforts.

A good example is the human body. The human body is made of a team of separate parts. Each part performs different functions, but each part is responsible to the whole, not to itself. That is why the human body works as a perfect rytheme. No part is more important than the other. Together they function in perfection.

Individuals win scores and points. Teams win games. Individuals win battles. Teams win wars. Business for example is a team sport. To win in business you must work as part of a team. That is why you have cartels. They are individuals with common interests. And when their individual talents are put together in a coordinated whole, they become immovable.

Learn to work as part of a team. Team work WORKs!

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