The eagle is known as the king of all birds. Its strength is in its wings, eyes, and legs. With its wings it can soar to great heights – it is believed the eagle can fly up to an altitude of 10,000 feet. The eagle has keen eyesight. Its eyes are extremely powerful having up to 3.6 times human activity. It has strong muscular legs used in picking preys up.

The eagle have a great fascination and inspiration for everyone due to its leadership characteristics.

Eagles are admired all over the world, as a living symbol of power of freedom.

The eagle lives on top of very high mountains or very high tree top. The mother eagle lays between 1 – 4 eggs, but usually hatches only two. The why, behind this behavioral pattern, of hatching just two eggs is actually not known.

When the eaglets are born, mother eagle flies out of the nest every day and returns bringing food for the eaglets. The eaglets open their little beaks while mama eagle put food into their mouths. This is a daily occurrence. So anytime mama eagle flies out of the nest, the eaglets know that when mama returns she will be coming with food. So they expect it. One day, mama eagle returns to the nest without food. The eaglets are surprised. “No food today” they seem to whisper. Then mama eagle speaks to the eaglets in the language only the eaglets understand, “get off the nest and hang onto my wings.” The eaglets obey and hang onto mama’s wings. Mama eagle takes off from the next. Mama eagle takes the eaglets on a ride. She flies very high and glides in a forward thrust. The eaglets watch in amazement the expanse of space as mama glides. They are enjoying the flight. They feel relaxed. Then mama eagle surprises them. She shakes off the eaglets from her wings and they fall and obey the law of gravity as they drop with considerable speed. The eaglets scream their life out as they fall as if death is eminent. Then mama eagles performs a feat known as “the miracle of nature.” The dives below and moves swiftly, picking the eaglets up and flies again at a high altitude. She then glides again looking like the king of the sky. The eaglets are comfortable again, enjoying the flight, feeling excited. Then mama eagle repeats the action again, repeats the feat, two or three more times. She does this in such a way that the eaglets start gaining some confidence and start to say, “I think I can do this,” just like mama eagle does. They seem not to be that afraid anymore, but dare themselves. So when mama eagle shakes them off one more time, the eaglets, instead of screaming their lives out, spread out their little wings and fly just like mama. They fly and never come back. Mama eagles’ job is done.

As humans, our life on earth seems like that of an eagle. As we live our lives, most times we seem lost confused, and afraid. Our life, even though it has meaning, we don’t seem to know what the meaning is. We go through life thinking we have no purpose. Sometimes we wonder what that purpose is. Why am I here on earth? Why was I born? What was I meant to achieve? It is our job as individuals to discover whom we are, and what our purpose is. No one will do it for us. It is one big task we owe to ourselves. Living a life without purpose is like groping in the dark. You do not know where you are going or headed. And you intend not to get anywhere. In contrast, if we discover who we are, just like the eaglets, we spread out our wings and we fly.

Watch out for Part 2


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